Telephonic Diabetes Education & Support©

Download the TDES© Brochure

Do You Have Diabetes or Prediabetes?

Do You Want to Save Money?

For Employers

Employer Benefits Plan

  • Reduced catastrophic claims.
  • Shift of costs from acute episodes of care to preventative care.

Employee Groups

  • Less absenteeism.
  • Improved productivity.
  • Increased use of preventative care services.


  • Savings between $200 and $400.
  • Improved knowledge and confidence to "self-manage" their condition.
  • Practice successful self-management strategies.
  • Reduce risks and prevent complications.
  • Ultimately, experience a high quality of life.

Download the TDES© General Business Brochure

For Employees

Savings and Support for Persons with Diabetes

Programs offered may vary depending on health plan


  • 12-month program with up-to-date diabetes information along with customized support to help you manage your diabetes.
  • Monthly telephone calls at your convenience.
  • Individualized Services provided by experienced and certified professional diabetes educators.

TDES© to the Second Power! TDES2!

  • Follow up Program for TDES© graduates.
  • Focus on self-management of your diabetes to include further education, goal setting and life style changes.
  • 4 to 6 scheduled calls over the course of one year.

TDES2! Continues

  • Graduates of the TDES2! program may continue self-management diabetes education with 4 to 6 calls over one additional year.

Participant Manual (login required)

For assistance, contact the TDES© Coordinator at 207-622-7566 ext. 2520

For Educators

Offer your services via telephone

Applications / authorizations / approvals complete on arrival

Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) Program Manual

TDES© Program Manual (login required)

For assistance, contact the TDES© Coordinator at 207-622-7566 ext. 2520